Questions - C25XP connection to Gecko G540


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Tavares Mann Total posts: 1 Joined:

I have configured it on Port3 of the ESS and it worked. Thanks.

getting over it

Arturo Duncan Total posts: 260 Joined:

Yes, the G540 is compatible with the C25XP, but you need to configure it on Port3 of the ESS.

Please give this and try.

Arturo Duncan

Chadd Bond Total posts: 1 Joined:

I have connected an existing G540 to C25XP utilizing a parallel printer cable with one connetor cut off. I then connected pins 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, &9 to the corresponding Port 1 Output terminals on the C25XP. Pins 25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18 (All Gnds) are also connected to the corresponding Gnd terminals on the C25XP.  None of the Port 1 4 Inputs, or 2 Outputs are connected.

When jogging each axis using Mach3, the corresponding LED on the C25XP lights up, but the G540 and the connected motor do not respond.

The ESS can be connected directly to the G540 with a ribbon cable, but connecting to the corresponding pins on the C25XP doesn't seen to work. Am I doing something wrong, or is the C25XP not compatible with a G540??



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