Questions - C76 Issues


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Arturo Duncan Total posts: 260 Joined:


You need to follow the instructions found for the product in the website:

The idea is that you get communications and that the board activates and de-activates the system as it should, then you start wiring and configuring the rest of the stuff.

If the problem continues, please open a support ticket in our website and we will give you a hand with this:

Arturo Duncan

raziba-19595l xenelasia175lOH Total posts: 1 Joined:

Hi, I bought a C76 and am having issues getting it working. I cannot get the green "ready" LED to illuminate no matter what I've tried. UCCNC will either not come out of reset, or it does, but then the drivers don't enable and I get no green light. I can see the board registering inputs (like the NPN sensors).


My setup is as follows:

  • C76 with C78 RJ45 Breakout.
  • Mean Well EDR-120-24 24VDC 5A PSU to power the board and 4x NPN approach sensors plus 3 SSRs. Total draw should be about 700mA+4*200mA+3*300mA = 1.8A.
  • Drivers are Geckodrive G201X, X/Y/Z/A axis. Using your C34 RJ45 boards. The C34s are set to "Soft Enable" as indicated in the documentation.
    • The jumpers for X/Y/Z/A axis are set to pins 1&2. B&C axis are currently set to pins 2&3 because they are not used, but I've tried these both ways.
  • Driver PSUs are 2x 48V Mean Well LRS-350-48. Each runs a pair of the steppers.
  • E-Stop is NC on pin 1-10, active low in UCCNC. Metering the E-Stop terminal to GND after startup gives ~ 24VDC as expected.
  • All other Inputs/Outputs are assigned based on the script file you guys provide for UCCNC and the C76. (Charge Pump is on 2-17)
  • All of the jumper selectable voltages are set to 10-30VDC and COM = GND, except that the jumpers on the C78 are set to 5VDC.
  • I've tried various DIP switch configurations, but none seem to work properly.
  • I currently have 1/2 ON, 3/4 OFF which is what is indicated in the C34 documentation, but I've also tried 1/3 OFF, 2/4 ON which is what is (I thinkl) suggested in the "Dipswitch Settings" guide you link to in the C76 manual.
  • Spindle control is using an outboard RS485 dongle. I have the Spindle set to INT on the C76, and Spindle Fault Detection turned off. I've also tried it set to USA.
  • When I DO get the board to come out of its startup (with all LEDs on), I get the leftmost two status LEDs lit and output on 2-17 with the 2-17 relay energizing, but no green "ready" light. 

I'm not sure what the different status LEDs correspond to on the board, because there is no documentation or labelling. Obviously I understand that the LEDs adjacent the inputs are tied to those, but the cluster of 4 status LEDs is a bit of a mystery, as are the axis LEDs. It's a little unclear in the manual what combination of LEDs are actually supposed to be lit to indicate everything is working properly, but occasionally I think I've seen it with all 3 red LEDs and the green LED lit. Would you please tell me what the LEDs correspond to, and please provide any suggestions for resolving the issue? I've easily spent 50 hours trying to diagnose this issue, and have sent you an email separately and tried calling twice.



Thanks in advance.


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