Questions - M16 - Outputs at Powerup


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Hanty Gareet Total posts: 1 Joined:

is it wrong? I think you need to be attentive to your accounts and not conduct suspicious activity. in personal letter you can order everything that will help you at the institute

Arturo Duncan Total posts: 260 Joined:


Thanks for your comments.  The solution for the issue you are having with the M16 is to use the Safety Charge Pump.  This is basically a watchdog and enables the outputs until it receives a signals that allows the board to determine that the signals coming are valid and that it should enable the outputs.

Please check this and let me know how it goes.

Arturo Duncan

Mike Wierzbicki Total posts: 2 Joined:

Well, this is my first visit to your blog! Your blog provided us valuable information.You have done a marvelous job.

tank trouble

Rob McInerney Total posts: 6 Joined:

Using pokeys pin 22 and 45 as outputs to drive SSR which turns on a light and the coolant.  When the m16 is powered up both outputs go hi.  For the light this is fine, but fof the coolant this is bad. 

After Mach 4 is has started they will go off.  Is there any way to have them initalize in the low state?


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